Boundaries you Cannot See And Cannot Ignore

Let me begin by introducing you to one of my personal favorite emotional coping tricks. Prayer Pictures. What is a Prayer Picture? A Prayer Picture is a term I coined to mean an image or symbol, representing a bigger, more complex or powerful insight that came to you at some point. One of those…an “oh, that is good!” moments or one line from a podcast or a book that was just for you and you know you are going to need it in the future. When we are on the fly we are zipping through appointments and classes and shopping and relating and debating and carpooling and deal making and number crunching...whatever fills your hustle. It is my experience that it is pretty near impossible to pull down a complex psychosocial/psychospiritual clarity or coping mechanism on the go. Our brains are built to serve us on the fly and put us in a sympathetic chemical (autopilot) brain atmosphere. When we are there, automatic reaction mostly determines choices, b...