How is your posture in 2017? Consider the Posture of the Soul…Prayer, Supplication, and Petition.
Outward posture contributes to so much. Most women have heard that some of the warning signs of osteoporosis can be found in poor posture . Did you know that sitting up straight contributes to feeling happier, more confident, and less risk averse ? Outward posture primes us for the very next moment. Poised for action…Positioned for rest…Recoiled to hide…Crouched for a fight? Most of the time it is unconscious, but we have posture 100% of the time-Aware of it or not. Healthy or not. Helpful or not. As important as body posture is, there also exists a posture on the inside, the posture of the soul . As unconsciously as outward posture is worn, the posture of the souls is even harder to keep a read on. It seems behooving to tune in and make sure you are poised for what you want as we begin this fresh year, as we greet and bless 2017. Most of us want to be happier, healthier, godlier, more successful at something this year...