God's Will, Transitions, and Vocations...

This is inspired by all my dear ones that have recently  graduated, those looking ahead at significant shifts, and for my sweet friends in transition. 

I would love for you to know that God  is DEEPLY passionate about your highest blessing.  I would love for you to know that deciding what the next right thing to do,  whether big or small, is not a cosmic guessing game.  He's not "upstairs" just wondering if you are going to pick what is behind the right door or not.   That is not in the Good Shepherd's nature.  At all. 

His will for you is unshakable and unmovable and you CANT MESS IT UP.  No need to feel struck with fear  that somehow picking wrong would change the course of events away from blessing.
"We usually focus on what we are doing or where we are going, but God's primary concern is who we're becoming in the process.  We talk about "doing" the will of God, but the will of god has much more to do with "being" than "doing".  It's not about being the right place at the right time; it's about being the right person, even if you find yourself in the wrong circumstances." (Batterson,  2014)
If you are leaning in to God, and your focus is on Him, you have offered your heart to His Love, then you can pick wherever  your Holy Spirit laced heart leads and wherever that is, you will be in His will.

As we focus on the "next right thing to do", exploring your heart's desire is paramount.  There is a right-making differentiation in Vocation vs  Occupation.

Vocation comes from the Latin vox, meaning voice. It implies that you are being called by God to a particular state or course of action.  It is long term motivation and gifting in life. They are the things that feel in your bones...parent, mentor, mouth piece, story teller, builder, fixer, comforter, edifier.    These may feel like callings  on your life, like you might not be OK without flexing that muscle of your calling.
Our society has conflated (combine two into one) vocation and occupation into a flat understanding: you are an architect or a doctor, a clerk, or a childcare worker)

Occupation is something different.  It is something that occupies us for a certain time and space in our life.  For some, this may not be doing our dream job...but maybe we bring some of our vocation, our calling to that job?

If you are in a transition, if you are hungry for your vocation, if you are looking for God's will...be at peace, sweet friend.   You have everything you need.   It is a homecoming that waits your arrival.

20" Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep,21 equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. "
Hebrews 13: 20-22

It would be my honor to explore this with you further.  Reach out to me and we can pull this down into your believing place and find some sure footing for your next right thing.

Thoughts from  Vemo clip:   https://vimeo.com/123448586?from=outro-embed


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