A Christmas Invitation for your Soul

Sweet Friends, this is the invitation : the same one for me and for you: “The herald of the King calls to you in this moment to come away from the crush and the crowds, to come away to a space of stillness to be ready for the coming of the Lord” (A. Voskamp, The Greatest Gift p. 210) It doesn’t happen automatically. Doesn’t happen without intention. As epic as it is, you’ll miss it if you don’t lean in. I’ll miss it if I don’t lean in. The “eucatastrophe” is coming… the apex of we have been waiting for. The moment when hurt and distraction and longing and disappointment and death are obliterated and the Lover makes his entrance…spectacular rescue, the battle for intimacy fought for and won, the only satisfying experience there is …that of Presence…rushes in like a broken damn. And all this in the tiny package of a baby. “ And even now, with tiny features and dewy hair, He is great.” Isaiah 9:6 (the Voice) The shift from Struggl...