
Showing posts from May, 2020

Routine, Ritual, and Liturgy

Whether it is a pandemic, a heartbreak, a world upside down, financial bleakness, raw nerves from tussling children...we wear down. At some point, we hedge a bit of the battle as we push back entropy , the physics principle that tells us the universe is in a state of decline unless acted upon by an outside force. In these weary times ( dangerous tired ?), we need to find banks for our river...the river of our thoughts, our feelings, our expectations, banks that hold our coping and our enduring and our overcoming. These banks can be found in rituals, routines, liturgy, and ceremony.  More or less, I refer to these interchangeably. They all have the quality of repetition and crossing the threshold of seen and unseen.  They connect us to our spiritual nature.  It is important to acknowledge routine because it shapes us. Whether or not we realize it, we all walk and move in ritual.  Do you wake up and take a shower?  Make a cup of coffee?...