Mandi on Mindfulness...What we pay attention changes everything
Mandi on Mindfulness Part 2: Paying Attention and Mindfulness – A Pep-Talk Have you tried any mindfulness or contemplative prayer practices yet? If so I would love for you to comment in the blog stream below. I am hoping the following will be a pep-talk to further your thirst for this practice in your life. I would love to know both your positive experience, and your frustrating experiences. We know the desert fathers practiced silence and solitude in the un-institutionalized desert communities of pure devotion and removed from religion. Religion becomes toxic when it becomes hollow “form without power”, or structure without Spirit. Religion was growing less intimate and authentic as Rome integrated and infiltrated the Christian faith into government. But, what in the world did they do out there that would cultivate such deep soul-stirring testimony, writings, and tradition? You have to be a special sort of person to read their works direct...