
Showing posts from July, 2015

"Good Tired" or "Dangerous Tired"?

This is an insightful excerpt from Ruth Haley Barton's book "Invitation to Solitude and Silence".   It is about tiredness.  She very wisely creates a distinction between " good tired" and "bad tired".   I think it is so important to recognize which characterizes your insides so that you know how to proceed with wellbeing. You are going to love it. Take a second and scroll down to read.   Those of you who spend time with me know I refer to my own inner space as having a "climate" often as I take my temperature and pay attention to what I am in need of.  As you read the below, you will notice her weather metaphor and will connect the metaphors I have used in the past. I think it is a rich building block on that foundation. I would also like to note that there are different kinds of rest required for different kinds of tired.  Sometimes exhaustion feels deep. We take a nap or a vacation, and when resuming our lives, we find that tired...


Come explore how to incorporate the traditional ancient art of reading and praying scripture found in the lectio divina into your spiritual walk - find ways to connect with God that fit YOUR personality.  SATURDAY JULY 25TH  9:00 AM - 11:30 AM   50$   Through short tests (Myers Briggs Temperament) and discussion, we will discover our individual spiritual personality bends.  We will discover which practices fit into YOUR soul shape and lifestyle and   give you access to more Jesus . We'll match your spiritual personality to one of a few traditional streams: Franciscan, Tomastic, Ignatian, and Augustinian.      We will begin with basic LEVEL 1 Holy Yoga on your mat so make sure to bring it and any props you know you will need!   This is for anyone who would like to feed their spirit, rest and refuel, and feel a stronger anchor into their True Center.  For those who want to nourish and freshen their connecti...