
Showing posts from February, 2014

The Cornerstone of Voice...It's Essential Nature--a Keyhole to Thriving (Part 1 )

When I think about what I have seen that makes one truer, most authentic, makes us the most "us", brings out our accurate essence...voice rises to the top.  Finding an outward expression that matches what is within.  Finding a comfortable way to honor what is inside by naming it on the inside. So I keep a plum line in the back of my mind:  "Speak the truth in Love" (Ephesians 4:15).  When in doubt, when uncomfortable, when stuck, when all other dodging and striving fails....I "speak the truth in Love".   I try to find the truest thing I can say and find words to say it in the most loving way. There is no number to tell you how many stuck and unsatisfied places this has moved me through. I stumbled upon this piece of thought by Diane Langberg.  I absolutely love her theology of voice. I wanted to share it with you in hopes it inspires you to extend yourself: "We will begin our discussion by first considering the nature of persons as t...