
Showing posts from August, 2013

Fallen from the Garden of Eden into Plato's Cave

A client confessed to me this week that she has daily thought  along the line of "what if nothing ever changes, if my life never  looks different that today...will that be so bad?"  I winced...I knew that the life she was acquiescing to was that of a dim spirit, numb emotions, a sick body, a pale thought life, and void of loneliness.  The words of my heart cramp were "you are choosing to walk around like a can I show you the blessing that is right at your finger tips?" Out of the blue, I dialed back in my memory to something I read early in my graduate training.  Dr Moon was one of my professors and remains on my running list of "top 5 most Christ-like" people I have met. This is an excerpt from his first book, "Falling for God" (2004).  It is a mind-blowing illustration of God's "Kingdom"  to me... drawn from a teaching tool used by the Philosopher in the early first century. "Imagine the faces of ...